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*Every country has different cultures about water.
*It would be interesting to collect stories, myths, songs and pictures about it.
*The “Water” project aims to highlight the importance of water in daily life since ancient times.
students collect information about:
*The importance of water for living things (people, animals, forests, plants)
* Rivers, seas, lakes around us. Introduction of the river, lake and sea in each partner country

* Great geographical discoveries, water as a way
* Water-giving substance.
*Water cycle.
* Water resources and literatüre
* Water traditions, myths, water and religion
* Protection of water resources
* Water pollutionMelting of glaciers, global warming.




Merkez, Turkey

Mangalia, Romania



Oviedo, Spain

Carasco, Italy





Tirane, Albania

Kaltovy, Czech Republic


Marmaris, Turkey




Carasco, Italy

Marmaris, Turkey






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water project

About the Project

*Every country has different cultures about water.
*It would be interesting to collect stories, myths, songs and pictures about it.
*The “Water” project aims to highlight the importance of water in daily life since ancient times.
students collect information about:
*The importance of water for living things (people, animals, forests, plants)
* Rivers, seas, lakes around us. Introduction of the river, lake and sea in each partner country
* Great geographical discoveries, water as a way
* Water-giving substance.
*Water cycle.
* Water resources and literatüre
* Water traditions, myths, water and religion
* Protection of water resources
* Water pollutionMelting of glaciers, global warming.



The objectives of this project are:
* Increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of water for life
* to improve students' awareness of their environment
* develop students' awareness of song and literature, myths, legends, and water-related traditions.The importance of water, water pollution, melting of glaciers, global warming issues to raise awareness of students.
* Students can be more confident when using new communication technologies (ICT)
*Make new friends
*Students' democratic participation can teach them what “active citizenship anlama means: cooperation, tolerance, responsibility, finding solutions.
* Students will learn more about their national culture and traditions and other European cultures.


Operation time

*The teacher shows students the tools to be used.
*Students work in small groupsStudents in small groups form the country team. *Creates mixed country teams from country teams.
*Guiding counselors to country teams and mixed country teams.
* The whole class chooses the best jobs, assembles single parts and creates the project book.
*The task sharing will be explained in detail in the pages and plan of the project.
*The work continues until June 2020.



Expected results

Project book will be created.


What is Water Pollution?

Water is a miraculous blessing impossible to obtain artificially in natural resources.

In terms of general world resources, it is clear that the scarcity of efficient water resources should be more sensitive to water and protection of water resources.

In other words, the destruction and pollution of water resources is not like other sources, for example, the decrease or disappearance of oil. The disappearance of water will mean the extinction of human life.

In nature there is a natural cycle called the water cycle. Each year, a certain amount of water evaporates, and the evaporating water drops in the same amount of rain to various parts of the world. It purifies the water of the giant and provides feeding of fresh water resources.

Since polluting the water will mean to contaminate the evaporating water, the rains will become acid rain. This means that water resources will become unusable and rain will kill the soil.

The effective use of surface and groundwater resources is protected by these resources.

Not only the fresh water, but also the polluting of the sea waters, disrupts the whole natural movement and threatens the life.

Unlike the known, the oxygen balance in the air is possible with the presence of microscopic organisms that make up the nitrogen in the seas.

Forests make a very small contribution to this translation.

Pollution of the seas, extinction of species of living species means the destruction of land life.

It is the main duty of the states that the programs, which will increase the sensitivity in people, and the trainings to be made in continuous repetitions all over the world and to bring this into society as a culture.

It is very important that the studies, audits and laws are performed more and more in these subjects.

Causes and Solutions of Water Pollution
Industry, industry and household waste pollute our continuous drinking water resources. Disposal of industrial wastes, sewage wastes, water used for agricultural purposes as chemicals and toxic wastes, filling of rivers and lakes with chemical wastes, the resources consuming the river and lake beds should be consumed rapidly.

It is important to take advantage of the natural conditions of the seas and to use the technology for the protection of this life. Protection of seas used in many areas, from transportation to nutrition and transportation means protection of land-dwelling animals from there.

It is important to ensure the treatment, distillation and filtration of wastes released to the seas or fresh water resources.

In particular, it is important to control or recycle as much as possible the products produced based on petroleum and petroleum products, to distillate, to treat them and to release them in a controlled manner.

It is necessary to accelerate the investments that will focus on the studies of the natural treatment of water from bacteria, viruses and sports and fungus.

Contamination with dead animals and plant waste should be prevented. It is necessary to prohibit the use of chemicals used in various industries or to focus on the use of alternative natural products.

For example, the use of heavy chemicals, such as cyanide used in gold exploration, other heavy industrial wastes, which are difficult to remove, arsenic, phenol, chromium, cadmium, etc., must be controlled very strictly.

Domestic and chemical waste oils, heavy industrial oils, fatty acids, substances should be prevented from mixing into the water. Use of natural detergents instead of synthetic detergents should be encouraged.

Nuclear waste should not be buried in the sea or in the soil. Use of natural fertilizers instead of artificial fertilizers should be encouraged.

When the thermal power plants are installed, the heated liquid with a waste that has a waste should be inspected and cleared of threats to destroy the vitality.

In order to develop energy models that will be derived from solar and wind power, which is an alternative energy source, more investments and resources should be allocated.

When continuous monitoring of the natural spring waters, the density, pollution, concentration, hardness, mineral and anaerobic conditions of the water should be continuously measured, a solution should be produced and the necessary measures should be taken immediately.

Water basins should not be allowed to be located at least 30 km.

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